Why the Heck Do I Need a Life Coach?
Oh, the most scary word of all. Change of job, change of town, change of mind. Change is one time you need a coach at your side. Each year we see very large grown up men report to camp so they can become a team. Each year is different, new recruits, new plays to learn. What do they need? A coach.
Your life doesn’t get better by chance, it gets better by change. -Jim Rohn
Whenever there is change, we need someone walking beside us to look for the mine-fields in our life. We need someone, not related to us (they try so hard but they really want you to stay the same, don’t they), to help set up our expectations and set the road map into action.
I'm Not Done Yet!
As we get enough candles on our cake to light up the sky, we start looking back at all we thought we’d do with our life. We always thought life would be just a little bit different than it has turned out to be.
Having a life coach reminds us that we can still accomplish a lot. We have probably 30 more years ahead of us to make those “I wish I had” into “I can do it”. You’re not done yet, and your life coach will provide tools to assist you to see what’s possible today!
Being a grown up is hard work. We show up at our jobs at a certain time, we cook, clean, take out the trash on Wednesday’s. Our lives become a study of our electronic or paper calendars.
Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? -Mary Oliver
Life coaches allow you to find time for you. They discover your real dreams and possibilities with you and schedule them in. You become accountable to seeing you take first place in the precious life that is yours.
Saves Time & Money
Have you ever decided to change your oil? Have you thought you’d like to paint your deck? Yup, that took about 5 seconds, didn’t it. You thought about how much time it would take to learn the skills and how to get the materials – and you weighed that against – going to Jiffy Lube or looking on Angie’s List to find the right contractor. Either way your oil will be changed and the deck redone.
Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action, can change the world. -Joel Barker
Life coaches are like that. You can change your life. You can certainly make choices that will get you to your goals. Or, you can choose to hire a life coach to help you get the job of your life done. Life coaches help you to have the right vision, tools, and steps to set your life in motion…the way you truly want it to go. Always a choice.
New Thoughts and Ideas
Maddie wanted to open a tea house. She loved tea, grew up in Japan and had always wanted to share what she had learned there with the world. She had a business plan. But, it just wasn’t working.
Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people. – Eleanor Roosevelt
Working with Maddie, we talked, we brainstormed. The more we talked the more the ideas poured out of Maddie. She took road trips to tea houses, she called Starbucks, she befriended, and followed countless people who shared her love of tea. What the business plan didn’t give her were the passion and ideas of others to make it all come together for her. Working with a life coach does that. It spurs you on to discovering new ideas and more importantly pursing them.
Midwife for Midlife
You believe that regardless of the number of candles on your cake, there’s still a flame in your heart to be (re)discovered.
Goal Setting
You’re ready to give up the insanity of doing the same thing the same way and expecting different results.
Your Next Chapter
You’re ready to think about what happens after your career.
Relationship Coaching
You’ve been to the school of hard knocks and learned that you can survive.
Here’s What Could Happen if YOU say YES to YOU!
- YOU could wake up in the morning and know the new day is just that NEW.
- YOU could learn strategies, simple step-by-step action plans
- YOU could take charge of the most important life, yours!
- YOU could vision a new YOU.
- YOU could see the choices that each moment presents to you.
- YOU could actually feel joy in your life.

In Their Own Words
I stumbled upon her post, “Why do I need a life coach?” I admit I had always been curious, and a little apprehensive of life coaching. I wondered what one would have to offer me. I thought it was silly and that I was in control of my life, so I really didn’t need a coach, yet I was still drawn to reach out to her. It was the best decision of my life…
Mary Helen has been so motivating! When I was looking for a career change and feeling a bit directionless, Mary Helen understood. Her insights and ideas were not just about career planning but coaching on how to be human. Going through change can be scary, intimidating and overwhelming. Mary Helen’s wisdom, support and encouragement made all the difference in the world to me during this time.