When the student is ready the teacher will come.
This week three teachers came my way to help me learn how to build my business.
I attended two webinars. The price was right…FREE! Often you get what you pay for, but this was not the case with these. I was amazed to gain copious notes on how to create online courses to sell.
Today, I attended a Wisconsin Women Entrepreneurs (WWE) Business Development Session on Social Media for Busy Business Owners by Spencer X. Smith.
The take away from all three learning adventures this week is:
What is the question?
Knowing what are the questions asked by those you work with allows you to answer them, which makes them want to ask you more questions. You become a thought expert for their needs. Webpages, blogs, and other social media outlets are not about dumping out everything you know. Rather it becomes a dialogue with customers/clients.
Take the title of this blog post today. Many folks in the room this morning had questions regarding Facebook business pages. Are they the same as the personal page you have? How do you create one? How is it seen by others? These are real questions that drive folks to click and meet you.
One of my new friends in WWE, Jane Kuzma, Bur Oak Landscapes, just sent out a short email telling her contacts how to prepare their landscape for fall. Excellent. She took a question she’s knowledgable about and in just a short list, answered the question. If she continues to do this each month on a different question, her clients will consider her an expert. And if there is landscaping to be done, they’ll go to her. That’s the new take on social media marketing. You as the expert ask a question and answer it. (If you build it, they will come).
So today’s question is:
“How do you create a business Facebook page?”
1. If you don’t have a personal Facebook page, start there. Go to Facebook.com and create an account. (If you need help let me know)
2. If you already have a personal Facebook page…go there!
3. At the end of the tool bar on the top after your name, friends etc. the very very end there is a pull down tab to “Create Pages”
4. “Create Pages” is a self-directed area on how to make a business page.
For those who like videos, I enjoyed this one.
People learning by asking questions. As a former librarian, I so understand that life is about questions.
I hope my answer on creating a Facebook business page will help you. Let me know. I’m always happy to chat as well if you learn best that way.
Mary Helen
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