“Life is a daring adventure” is my life quote.
Sometimes the daring adventure for the day is waking up and getting out of bed. Other days it’s getting in my little kayak.
Sometimes I forget how easy having an adventure can be.
July offers endless opportunities.
The days when bare feet are in and high heels are out (haven’t they always been).
So grab YOUR sense of adventure and have fun this July.
1. July 1st is international joke day, my best joke is…
2. July 4th is about freedom, the last time I felt free, I…
3. Katy Perry captures the feeling of being a firework, when do you ignite your firework?
4. My most awesome summer vacation was…
5. Ah, walking on a beach, enjoy these best beaches, where’s your best beach?
6. Fireflies, those delightful lit beetles, get that mason jar, fill it with grass and walk outside, catch any?
7. Is this your birthday month? Are you a Cancer? You’re loving, susceptible, sympathetic, sensual, faithful, instinctive, charitable and….. Do you know a Cancer in your life? Send a birthday card–a real one.
8. Take $5.00 and go visit your ‘downtown’. What did you discover?
9. Be a photographer this month. Capture summer at its finest.
10. Find a sunset. Travel to a new spot, turn west, and be awed.
11. Did you know that folks have a new way to be penpals? It’s called PostCrossing, send and receive postcards around the world.
12. Camp, camping…did you go to camp? Do you still enjoy going camping? OR Pull out an old sleeping bag and lay it on the grass in the backyard. Roast marshmallows in a firepit.
13. Water, ohhhh water. Splashing, walking in water, throwing stones in water, swimming…ah water!
14. The grass is always greener. Walk without your shoes today and feel the grass tickling your tooties.
15. Summerfests, they’re everywhere. Go to a festival. Doesn’t matter which one, just join the festivities.
16. Favorite new app: SkyGuide
17. Set up the card table, put one of those 1,000 piece puzzles out
18. Fresh Lemonade, maybe having a little stand, and give away your lemonade. I like pink lemonade with fresh lemons in it. You?
19. I’m forever blowing bubbles. Make your own bubbles.
20. Games, remember staying out till the streetlights came on. Hopscotch, jumping rope, baseball on the street, tag, mother-may-I, croquet?
21. Go to a park, local, state, national. Maybe one of each.
21. Picnics. This month try a new picnic spot each week. You have a basket, right?
22. Remember “Summertime“, Wipe Out, Dancing in the Street“? Pull out your favorite summer playlist and dance away!
23. Speaking of music, can you go to an outdoor concert. Bring a blanket, sit under the stars and enjoy.
24. Drive-ins, they still exist. I’m still waiting for my Mama-Burger at the Wisconsin Dells one. Find one close to you at Drive-ins.
25. Beach reads. My favorites this summer have been Vintage, The Life List, Delicious, Remarkable Creatures. Yours?
26. Flowers. A hanging basket, an herb container garden, a tomato plant….
27. Pick your own…berries
28. Take a nap, it’s summer! A hammock is optional.
29. Plan a scavenger hunt. Give everyone a list and send them off, camera phones make this easy.
30. Do nothing! Try it you might like it.
Let me know what you adventured! Just put yours in the comment section. I’d love to hear about your daring adventure.
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