The Joy of Tidying Up

The Joy of Tidying Up

Anyone who really knows me, knows that my desk no more looks like the picture above than ….you know! But, I always knew when to clean my desk. It was when I didn’t know exactly where in the multiple piles on my desk something was. I’m a member of the...
The Three R’s of a Daring Adventure

The Three R’s of a Daring Adventure

I’m often asked the question: So what is a daring adventure? I’m a half-full glass kind of gal and so most of the time I say that it’s just getting out of bed. Isn’t that the most daring adventure we can have each day? Realizing that each day...
You’ve been promoted!

You’ve been promoted!

  This weekend we celebrate one of the most incredible jobs on the planet…motherhood. For those women with children it’s a day of phone calls, or cards with flowers. For those women without children it’s often a very hard day of what if’s. I had felt that pain...
A season of boxes

A season of boxes

A season of boxes The holidays are here. Have I ever told you that I love Christmas? I love the mystery of the day, the expectation, the wonder. I use this month to find miracles. Little miracles like a smile that crosses a friend’s eye when she sees a sunset....