
 noun \ˌin(t)-spə-ˈrā-shən, -(ˌ)spi-\

something that makes someone want to do something or that gives someone an idea
about what to do or create :a force or influence that inspires someone

 Inspiration. I find it in a variety of places. Looking out over my balcony right now, I see my weeping willow losing its leaves. It’s fall here in Madison, and now I can look out and actually see Lake Mendota. During summer the leaves hide my view. But today I can see the sunset creating a golden pond of water before me. I’m inspired.

I’m inspired too when I read new books. I’m inspired talking with a good friend. Moments of inspiration abound. The issue is catching them. Realizing what a great gift each inspiration is for me is part of what I look for each day.

Looking for more inspiration, I remembered to go to  It offers me inspiration on what’s new, what’s different, and also what inspires.

I have a few favorites I wanted to share. I hope you’ll find some inspiration here as well. If these are new for you, enjoy. If you’ve seen them before, take a second look at what you can learn from them again. Pick one! Enjoy.


Randy pic     Randy Pausch: Really achieving your childhood dreams. 

This Ted Talk always reminds me of what’s important. I admit to having a Kleenex handy everytime I watch Randy share his life and reaching for dreams. Amazing what one might say knowing you’re dying, isn’t it?




diana nayad    Diana Nyad: Never, ever give up

Wow, I hope I have the passion to go after my dreams when I’m 64. Diana epitomizes a woman who doesn’t know the meaning of the word no.





elisabeth gilbert   Elizabeth Gilbert: Your elusive creative genius. 

Sometimes I forget I can catch my elusive genius and be creative. Elizabeth has a wonderful way to remind us that creativity is possible in our daily lives. We   don’t have to take the Eat, Pray, Love trip to understand what we can do each day to make it special.




Be Bold. Be Fearless. Be Courageous.

Life is a daring adventure. Be inspired today!